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We are excited to announce an upcoming workshop that will surely elevate your scientific communication game! The PhD Platform of the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) organizes the "Put Your Science in the Spotlight" workshop on Friday the 6th of October in Amsterdam, designed exclusively for PhD students and Postdocs.
Event details of Put Your Science in the Spotlight!
6 October 2023
12:00 -17:00

Registration is closed!

This workshop afternoon consists of 2 interactive talks and inspiring workshops of which you can find a description below. This event aims to equip you with the essential skills to effectively communicate your scientific endeavors. Whether you want to enhance your presentation techniques, refine your writing skills including for grant writing, or simply learn how to captivate your audience with your research, this workshop has something for everyone!

See here info about the 2 interactive talks and 3 inspiring workshops:

Opening lecture: Creative thinking by Jenny Hasenack
Closing lecture: What's the point of Science Communcation? by Rasa Muller
Workshop #1: Tell your story! by Suzanne Verhees (Storifiers)
Workshop #2: Visualize your science! by Thomas Hartman (Research & Education designer at University of Utrecht)
Workshop #3: Get that grant! by Irene Regeni (LU), Thomas Hansen (VU Amsterdam) and Jesús San Jose Orduna (UvA)

Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Drinks afterwards!

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to refine your science communication skills and network with fellow researchers.

Questions? Contact the HRSMC PhD Platform