How to Apply for the 'HRSMC Class of Excellence'
Admission to the special HRSMC Class of Excellence is granted through a rigorous selection process, which includes a written application and an interview with the HRSMC Board and the scientific director.
With an average BSc grade of 8 or higher (cum laude), you are automatically invited for an interview. If your average grade is below 8, you must submit a recommendation letter from an (assistant/associate) professor providing evidence that you rank among the top 10% of your cohort.
You must provide compelling evidence that you rank among the top 10% of your cohort, supported by a recommendation letter from an (assistant/associate) professor. Average BSc grades are less critical, as foreign grading systems may differ from the Dutch system.
You can apply by submitting the following documents to the HRSMC office:
Applications can be sent to the HRSMC Coordinator Ms. Dr. R. Scheffelaar.
Information meeting 2025 at the University of Amsterdam Science Park:
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2025
Time: 11:00-11:30
Room: B0.203
Information meeting 2025 at Leiden University:
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2025
Time: 15:00-15:30
Room: C1, collegezalen schotel
Selected students will be invited for an interview with an HRSMC Board member and the scientific director. For international students, a telephone interview can be arranged.
Final selections will be made after the interviews.