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The special inter-university (UvA-VU and UL) and multidisciplinary Class of Excellence has been developed for talented chemistry students. It guides them to become experts in synthesis, spectroscopy, and theory while helping them build their network among staff members from three different universities. Furthermore, in the final stage of their master’s program, students will write a research proposal, giving them the opportunity to be supported by the HRSMC Board in obtaining a PhD position through other funding sources, preferably within the HRSMC, but also elsewhere if needed.

What Students Say about the Class of Excellence:

It is a unique and challenging program due to its interdisciplinary and inter-university aspects. Current students confirm this:

“It is hard work but you get a lot in return: more involvement in HRSMC courses and you get into much closer contact with research groups during your Master than normally would be the case. It is good for your personal development and networking.”

We aim for the top 10 percent of students—not only from participating universities but also from other institutions and abroad.

Admission is granted based on a strict selection procedure which comprises a written application and an interview with the Board and the scientific director of the HRSMC.