HRSMC research theme 3
Many molecular properties can be understood directly from the electronic structure. When considering reactivity, it is in many cases necessary to also treat the dynamics of the nuclei taking part in the reaction. Activities of the theoretical chemistry groups of the HRSMC take place in both areas of research.
Theme |
Group /University/ staff members |
3 |
Computational Chemistry (UvA/HIMS)Prof. dr. P.G. Bolhuis, Prof. dr. E.J. Meijer, Dr. B. Ensing, Dr. D. Dubbeldam, Dr. J. Vreede, Dr. I.M. Ilie, Dr. A. Pérez de Alba Ortíz |
Theoretical Chemistry (VU/EMS)Prof. dr. F.M. Bickelhaupt, Prof. dr. L. Visscher, Prof. dr. C. Fonseca Guerra, Prof. dr. P. Gori Giorgi, Dr. T.A. Hamlin, Dr. K. Giesbertz, Dr. P. Vermeeren, Dr. A. Förster |
Theoretical Chemistry (UL/LIC Energy & Sustainability)Prof. dr. G.J. Kroes, Dr. J. Meyer, Dr. M.F. Somers, Dr. A.L.M. Lamberts |
Theory in surface science and electrochemistry (UL/LIC) |
Theoretical Chemistry (RU/IMM)Prof. dr. ir. G.C. Groenenboom, Dr. H.M. Cuppen, Prof. dr. F.M. Bickelhaupt (extraordinary professor) |
Biomolecular Simulation and Modeling (VU, EMS)Dr. D.P. Geerke |
Astrochemistry (UvA/API)Dr. A. Candian |