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Application procedure and further remarks

  •  Applications can be submitted before April 1 and before October 1.
  • Application are assessed by the HRSMC Research Committee. This Committee makes a final ranking and advises the HRSMC Board and Scientific Director. The final decision will be taken by the HRSMC Board and Scientific Director.
  • Yearly, a budget of approximately 50 kEuro is available for the combined HRSMC Fellowships for experienced researchers and PhD students. The exact amount depends on the annual budget estimate and other HRSMC activities planned in a certain year. When in April 50% of the available budget has not been granted completely, the remaining part will be added to the budget for applications in October. The HRSMC Board aims to spend the entire annual budget to high‐quality applications.
    However, if the total annual budget is not completely used, the remainder will be transferred to the fellowship budget of the next year.
  • It is not allowed to plan the visit in the last half year of the PhD contract.
  • When the actual visit is shorter than the proposed visit, the subsistence costs are adjusted proportionately.
  • After granting, the visit should start within one year after the approval date.