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The HRSMC research school creates the conditions for a successful collaboration between the participating research groups and offers an extensive training programme for the PhD students in inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry and mass spectrometry.

HRSMC was founded in 1994 and has been re-accredited three times by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). 

Participating in HRSMC are

The HRSMC is legally represented by the University of Amsterdam (the so-called 'penvoerder'). 

Membership (formal, guest and associated)

The research school was founded in 1994 as an UvA, VU and UL collaboration. PhD students, postdocs and staff members of UvA, VU and UL can become an official member, or a guest member in case they are actively involved in the HRSMC but formally an official member of another Research School (e.g. NIOK or Casimir). Besides the official and guest membership, there is the associated membership for PhD students, postdocs and staff members outside the UL, VU and UvA. This membership has been established in 2016 when staff members from the Radboud University Nijmegen (RU) expressed their wish to the HRSMC board to become member of the HRSMC as well.