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The main purpose of the school is to inform PhD and master students of the latest developments in homogeneous catalysis, organometallic and coordination chemistry. In addition, a number of other academic and industrial chemists can attend the school - the maximum number of course participants is 60. This year, NIOK and HRSMC join efforts in organizing this school.

The School will consist of two parts:


Introductory Course

Three experts from the Netherlands will bring Master students and other participants (depending on prior knowledge) up to speed with the subjects of this School:


Main Course

Leading scientists to present their own research in a lecture of about three hours, including an interactive section with the participants.


Coordinatoren HRSMC:

Prof. dr. Lies Bouwman (UL)

Dr. Sylvestre Bonnet (UL)

Dr. Bas de Bruin (UvA)

Dr. Andreas Ehlers (VU)

Prof. dr. Kees Elsevier (UvA)

Creditpoints: 2 ECTS