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The research programme of the HRSMC is embedded within top research groups at VU, UvA, and UL, and is organized around three distinct themes in molecular chemistry that complement and mutually reinforce each other: (1) "Synthesis, Characterisation, Properties and Reactivity of Molecules"; (2) "Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy"; and (3) "Theoretical Chemistry". HRSMC has a unique track record in supporting top research in these themes and, in particular, to catalyse collaboration between the different approaches to molecular chemistry. The resulting synergy has boosted both interdisciplinary research, as well as development within the themes.

Theme 1 - Synthesis, Characterisation, Reactivity and Properties of Molecules

Theme 1 deals, among others, with the design, synthesis and characterisation of new compounds, the development of new (bio)catalytic reactions, and the investigation of their mechanisms.

Theme 2 - Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy

Theme 2 addresses the issue of experimentally uncovering the fundamental factors behind molecular properties through the interaction between light and molecular matter. Advanced spectroscopic techniques are employed to probe and utilise fundamental processes such as catalytic events, reaction mechanisms and dynamics, and energy and electron transfer.

Theme 3 - Theoretical Chemistry

Theme 3 is fully dedicated to understanding the structure of molecules and their chemistry from first principles. HRSMC's theoretical chemistry groups cover method and software development, computational chemistry, and the development of models and guiding principles for rational design of catalysts and sustainable processes. They are working on a broad range of time and length scales (atomic, molecular, supra-molecular, condensed-phase/membrane processes), naturally leading to a multi-scale approach of fundamental and applied theoretical chemistry.

HRSMC as research school

It is exactly this unique combination of expertises as developed by world-leading groups that puts HRSMC in an excellent position to endeavour after the molecular approach to meet the challenges society currently faces in areas like sustainability, energy, and health, and that generates a highly challenging and exciting research- and educational environment for young and ambitious molecular scientists.     

The overview of the UvA, VU and UL research groups participating in this HRSMC Excellence Programme are given below. This overview is a complete overview of all members of the HRSMC including groups of the Radboud University (RU).